117 East Main Street. Crawfordsville, Indiana

Reiki Bodywork, 30 Min Session
Reiki Light Touch Therapy
Service Description
A mind/body healing and meditation practice that promotes mindfulness, resiliency, and a general feeling of well-being. Through ‘laying on the hands’ Reiki encourages the relaxation response, shifting the body into the parasympathetic mode. 30 or 60 minute sessions available. Please complete the online Reiki waiver before your appointment: https://bit.ly/3dfsghW Reiki is love. Love is wholeness. Wholeness is balance. Balance is well being. Well being is freedom from disease. -Dr Mikao Usui
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. Prior to your first class, please fill out our waiver form here: https://bit.ly/3RI1mhF Download our app to book classes easily from your mobile device: https://apps.wix.com/place-invites/invite-lp/b82a2576-81b8-48f6-9343-83293322bfb9?ref=symp_button
Contact Details
117 E Main St, Crawfordsville, IN, USA