117 East Main Street. Crawfordsville, Indiana

Lunch Box
Meet at noon for a 45 minute class focusing on yoga AND pilates movements.
Service Description
It’s Winter: Get Fired Up! Create inner heat and energy to counter the sluggish and demotivated tendencies of winter and leave finishing the second half of your day energized! Let's get creative! Taking a Vinyasa practice to another level of flow & moving through transitions in new creative ways will help one with balance, focus and strength. Find integrity in your movement as you flow through a guided practice but leave room for options and new processes within your yoga practice. This 45 minute class is great for ones who are looking for new ways to move their body, release tension and get out of their comfort zone.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. Prior to your first class, please fill out our waiver form here: https://bit.ly/3RI1mhF Download our app to book classes easily from your mobile device: https://apps.wix.com/place-invites/invite-lp/b82a2576-81b8-48f6-9343-83293322bfb9?ref=symp_button
Contact Details
117 E Main St, Crawfordsville, IN, USA